88 years old
Is afraid of
Nobody. I can bewitch anyone!
Lives in
My gingerbread cottage in the middle of the Fairytale Forest
Likes to eat
Little children, ha ha
Getting old. I'd rather stay young and beautiful forever
Is really good at
Flying as fast as lightning on my broomstick
Favourite place in Efteling
My gingerbread cottage
Likes to spend time with
The Wolf. We are really bad together!

Nibble, nibble, like a mouse
Who is nibbling at my house? But I know why. It’s because I live in the sweetest gingerbread cottage in the middle of the Fairytale Forest. I love little children. Lucky for me, they often pass by, ha ha ha! And I bewitch them with one of my potions. I brew these myself in my pots and pans. Do you fancy having a nibble at my cottage, too?

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