Public transport

Plan your trip to the World of Wonders

Efteling can easily be reached by public transport from anywhere in the Netherlands and Belgium. Find out which train or bus connection you need to get to the Park, Efteling Hotel, Holiday Village Efteling Bosrijk or Holiday Village Efteling Loonsche Land.

Public transport in the Netherlands

From Amsterdam (Schiphol) - Utrecht - Zwolle - Nijmegen - Almere
Take the train to 's-Hertogenbosch (Den Bosch). There are bus connections that go to Efteling from here (bus lines 300, 301, 136 and 800). Get off at the Efteling bus stop.

From Amsterdam, there's also a direct bus connection. More info >

From Venlo - Maastricht
Take the train to 's-Hertogenbosch (Den Bosch) or Tilburg. There are bus connections that go to Efteling from here (bus lines 300, 301, 136, 800 and 801). Get off at the Efteling bus stop.

From The Hague - Rotterdam - Dordrecht - Vlissingen - Roosendaal - Breda
Take the train to Tilburg. There are bus connections that go to Efteling from here (bus lines 300, 301, 136 and 801). Get off at the Efteling bus stop.


You can travel using your Dutch public transport chip card, buy a bus ticket via Arriva or a train ticket via the NS (Dutch Railways). Please note: these tickets do not include entry to the park.

Buy a bus ticket Buy a train-bus ticket

Direct bus from Amsterdam

If you would like to visit Efteling from Amsterdam, you can also use the direct bus connection from Hop On Hop Off Holland, which includes entrance tickets to the amusement park.

More information and availability

Public transport from Belgium

From Antwerp - Brussels
The International train goes directly to Breda from Brussels and Antwerp. Tickets for the International train can be bought via SNCB International (Belgian Railways) or via the NS (Dutch Railways). Take the train from Breda to Tilburg. There are bus connections that go to Efteling from here (bus lines 300, 301, 136 and 801). You can buy a bus ticket via Arriva or a train-bus ticket via the NS (Dutch Railways). Please note: these tickets do not include entry to the park.

You can also travel directly to Efteling from Brussels and Antwerp on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays with the Flixbus (bus line 811).

Are you staying overnight?

Efteling Hotel

Get off at bus stop Horst. Walk in the direction of the Efteling Hotel and turn left at the petrol station before the crossroads. Turn right at the end of the road and walk through the tunnel to the Efteling Hotel. Then walk around the Hotel on the right, you reach the entrance of the Efteling Hotel via the parking lot.

Please note: only bus lines 300 and 301 stop at bus stop Horst.

Efteling Bosrijk

Get off at the Efteling bus stop. This is the nearest bus stop.

On foot
Walk towards the right-hand side of the main entrance and follow the signs to your accommodation. It is about a 14-minute walk.

On foot to Efteling Park 
If you already have your entrance tickets, you can visit Efteling Park immediately from the bus stop. You can leave your luggage at the Cloakroom & Rental near the car park free of charge, so that you can enjoy the theme park to the full.

Free Shuttle Service
Register for the free shuttle bus to be brought from bus stop Efteling to your accommodation.

Efteling Loonsche Land

Get off at the Efteling bus stop. This is the nearest bus stop.

On foot
Walk towards the right-hand side of the main entrance and follow the signs to your accommodation. It is about an 20-minute walk.

On foot to Efteling Park 
If you already have your entrance tickets, you can visit Efteling Park immediately. You can leave your luggage at the Cloakroom & Rental near the car park free of charge, so that you can enjoy the theme park to the full. 

Free Shuttle Service
Register for the free shuttle bus to be brought from bus stop Efteling to your accommodation.