Discover the park
During your visit to Efteling, there are all sorts of facilities to make your visit as pleasant as possible. View all the information about the accessibility of the attractions and toilets, entrance through the wheelchair access, accessibility for assistance or guide dogs and so on.
Would you like to plan your visit? Further information can be found here about the accessibility of Efteling, how to arrange a facility card, reserving a wheelchair and so on.
Accessibility attractions and park shows
A number of attractions have access restrictions, for example, those related to height, physical condition (pregnancy, heart problems, epilepsy) or physical injury (missing (part of) an arm and/or leg or a bone fracture). Some attractions can also startle visitors with an intellectual or a psychological disability. Due to safety reasons, special rules may apply per attraction. Discuss the possibilities for you with the employee at the attraction.
The access restrictions are indicated by symbols. These symbols can be found on the website per attraction, in the Efteling app, at the entrance to the attractions and on the special map for visitors with a disability. You can pick up this map at the Visitor service centre on presentation of your facility card. The map is full of handy tips and practical information about the accessibility of attractions and toilets, access via the wheelchair access, accessibility for assistance and guide dogs, etc. Would you like to see an overview of the access restrictions per attraction in advance?
Entrance through the wheelchair access
Nearly all attractions have wheelchair access. This access is indicated with a symbol. Visitors who visit the attraction using the wheelchair access will not encounter any physical obstacles (such as staircases) and do not have to wait in the regular queue. The wheelchair access does not offer priority or shorter waiting times. When it is very busy, a queue can also occur at the wheelchair access.
Independently or with a companionIf you are unable to visit the attraction independently, you must have at least one companion* with you who is 16 years of age or older. With the help of this companion and possibly an attraction employee, the visitor must, also in the case of an evacuation, be able to:
- Get into and out of the attraction
- Go on the ride (depending on the attraction they must, for example, be able to get into a particular sitting position, be able to hold on and brace themselves)
- Follow verbal and/or visual instructions
If the attraction is to be evacuated, you may be placed in an evacuation chair with the help of our emergency responders, or that you must be able to go up or down stairs. During an evacuation, there may be obstacles before being taken out of the attraction. In connection with safety in the event of an evacuation, it is not possible to visit the attraction with a large group of disabled visitors at once. For this reason, large groups will be divided into smaller ones.
* For wheelchair-accessible attractions, you may bring a maximum of three people from your party (including your companion(s)) via the wheelchair access, with the exception of the Raveleijn park show (1 companion at most), Kinderspoor pedal trains (1 companion at most) and Symbolica dark ride (2 companions at most).

Accessibility with assistance or guide dogs
Assistance and guide dogs are welcome in Efteling. Assistance or guide dogs must be identifiable as such by wearing a vest and must be registered at the Visitor service centre (on the left at the main entrance) on the day of the visit. Assistance or guide dogs are allowed in all shops and restaurants. They are also allowed in a number of attractions. Click on the button below to view which attractions.
If the dog does not visit the attraction but waits outside, it must be accompanied.
Restaurants and shops
All the restaurants and shops in Efteling are accessible to visitors in wheelchairs. Because some of the shops are relatively small, the room to manoeuvre is limited in De Soete Inval sweetshop, the Bazaar shop at Fata Morgana dark ride and the Spiegeltje, Spiegeltje... shop.

Care room
Care room
Efteling has two care rooms where recumbent visitors with disabilities or adult persons can be cared for. These two rooms are located in the Laaf People village and in Station de Oost train station. The room at Station de Oost train station can be opened by a staff member and the room at the Laaf People village is always open. You can find the exact locations of these rooms in the Efteling app.
Peace and relaxation room
There is a peace and relaxation room in the exciting Ruigrijk. This room is intended for visitors who need to have a moment of rest during the day and it is always open. You can find the exact location of this room in the Efteling app.

Employees who know sign language
Visitors who are either deaf or hard of hearing can recognise employees who know sign language by the orange badge. This badge indicates that these employees are able to communicate in sign language.
Facility card
In order to make use of the facilities for visitors with a disability, you need a facility card. This card is personal and is only valid for the duration of the entrance ticket.
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