Come and have a majestic lunch or dinner
In the Royal Kitchen of Symbolica
Pans simmer, kettles whistle and ladles tap around the cooking stove. Cook's mate Polle can barely handle the kitchen. He has only one thing under control: flipping pancakes according to his secret recipes. Polle even made the tallest stack of pancakes in the world in his pancake restaurant.
Make sure you get a table at Polles Keuken during your visit? Reserve online easily!
With the Kings approval
we present our secret courses to you.
From 11.30 am you can come here for various sweet and savoury crepes. In addition to the classics, Polle also serves its specialty and a seasonal pancake.
Kids can get a heart-shaped pancake that they decorate themselves with fresh fruit or sweets.

Tasty and responsible meals? We are happy to help!
Does a dish or product carry the Better Choice logo? Then that choice has a better nutritional value than similar dishes and products. For example, less sugar or more fibre. So it's easy to make a better choice!

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