10 things not to be missed at Efteling

10 must-do’s at Efteling

There is a lot to see and to do at Efteling. Find here the 10 most popular highlights so you can make the most of your visit at Efteling.

1. Find all the fairytales in the Fairytale Forest

2. Experience a crazy and hilarious ride in Max & Moritz family coaster

6. Brave the Piraña river rapids ride

Rush through the wild rapids in this spectacular whitewater ride and feel like you're on a raging river in a faraway land.

7. Enjoy the traditional Dutch atmosphere of the Anton Pieckplein

Have fun in the many carousels of this authentic Dutch square.

8. Take a dive into the deep in Baron 1898

9.Travel around the world in 12 minutes in Carnaval Festival

Jokie & Jet are taking you on a journey around the world in this cheerful family attraction!

10. Try all the delicacies of the pancake restaurant Polles Keuken